How to Cook Chicken Bone Broth from Leftovers or Scratches.
Did you knew you can have a great chicken bone broth prepared with the left overs of rotisserie chicken?
Mi sweet boy is sick and he asked for chicken soup! Since it’s a holiday and the kids are at home, yesterday when I was grocery shopping I bought a rotisserie chicken to simplify things a little.
A good way to use ALL of the chicken is using the bones to make a healthy bone broth.
I simply added it to my instant pot with enough water, a piece of celery, onion and bay leafs and salt and cooked on “stew” settings. If I had not time I would have done it over night slow cooking, but it worked perfectly!
Chicken soup is a comforting soups when sick and it may be for a reasons. According to an article from the NYT, titled “ The Science of Chicken Soup“ different researchers showed that chicken soup may “inhibit the movement of neutrophils, the most common type of white blood cells that defends against infection”, helping fight cold symptoms. Other studies suggest that other benefits might help with mucus and air flow, plus it helps with hydration on a yummy way.
So every time you buy rotisserie chicken from the store, keep the bones and save it for a cold of just use it to enhance your meals (for soups, to make rice, creams or other).
