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Three Tasty Vegan Soups.

I have been cooking a lot veggie soups lately. Soups are easy meals to make ahead for a quick ready to eat lunch and a great way to add phytonutrients to your diet. I wanted to share these recipes now, while we still have some cool weather before spring arrives.

I made these soups vegan either by adding cashews or coconut milk. Cashews give the soup a creamy texture, but won't change much the taste of the soup. Coconut Milk makes it silky and does give a different punch of taste and I love to mix it up with some spices and bold flavors.

Please give them a try and let me know what you think!

1. Tangy Broccoli Soup


  • 1 broccoli head cut into pieces.

  • 1/4 of an onion.

  • 1 garlic clove.

  • Juice of 1/2 lime.

  • 1/3 cup pf cashews, previously soaked in water.

  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric.

  • 1 pinch of cayenne.

  • Salt and pepper to taste.

  • 3 cups of water.


  • Bring 3 cups of water into a boil into a medium pot pan.

  • Reduce heat and add broccoli, onion and garlic, cook for about 10 minutes or until tender.

  • Reserve water.

  • Transfer to a powerful blender (I use a Thermomix) and mix the rest of the ingredients.

  • Taste for salt and texture (add more liquid if needed).

  • Enjoy!

2. Creamy Cauliflower Soup.


  • 1 head of cauliflower cut into large pieces.

  • 1/2 onion, chopped into chunks.

  • 1 cloves of garlic.

  • 1/3 cup of raw cashews previously soaked in water.

  • 2 tablespoons of tahini (sesame seed paste).

  • 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley.

  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  • In a medium pot pan bring 4 cups of water into a boil.

  • Add cauliflower, reduce heat and simmer until tender, around 15 minutes.

  • Transfer into a Thermomix or high potency blender.

  • Add the rest of the ingredients and set blender into high heat.

  • Let it mix for 5 minutes so onion and garlic cook thoroughly and soup is smooth.

  • Taste for salt and pepper.

  • Note: If you don't have a high potency blender with heat such as a Thermomix you can cook the onion and the garlic separately and then blend with the rest of the ingredients.

3. Curried Acorn Squash Soup.


  • 1 acorn squash ( butternut squash works too).

  • 1 tablespoon of red curry paste.

  • 1/2 cups of chopped onion.

  • 1 8 ounce can of full coconut milk.

  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric

  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

  • Halve squash crosswise, scoop out seeds; and discard (or toast for a healthy snack)

  • Set squash halves, scooped sides down on sheet for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden.

  • Once cooked, scooped cooked squash and transfer into a power blender such as a Thermomix. ( or regular blender if you don't have any)

  • Toss the rest of the ingredients on the blender, set on high heat and blend for 5 minutes to cook onions and garlic.

  • Taste for salt and pepper and consistency ( add water if needed).

  • Note: If you don't have a powerful blender with heat such as Thermomix, just cook onion and garlic separately and add before blending.



Últimamente he cocinado cremas veganas de verduras. Son fáciles de hacer y una gran forma de agregar nutrientes y verduras a tu alimentación. Te comparto estas recetas ahora antes de que termine el frío.

Las cremas o sopas las hice veganas al usar nueces de la india o leche de coco como reemplazo a crema, leche u otro. La nuez de la india ayuda a espesar la sopa con un sabor algo neutral, mientras que la leche de coco le da una textura cremosa y sedosa con un toque de sabor. Cuando uso leche de coco me gusta utilizar especies o sabores que le vaya, tal y como curry.

¡Pruébalas y dime qué tal!

1. Crema de Brócoli.


  • 1 cabeza de brócoli cortada en trozos.

  • 1/4 de cebolla.

  • 1 diente de ajo.

  • Jugo de 1 limón

  • 1/3 taza de nuez de la india previo remojo.

  • 1 cucharadita de cúrcuma.

  • 1 pizca de cayenne

  • Sal y pimienta al gusto.

  • 3 tazas de agua.


  • En una olla mediana pon a hervir 3 tazas de agua y pon a hervir el brócoli junto con la cebolla y ajo (10 min aproximadamente o hasta que esten suaves).

  • Reserva el agua.

  • Transfiere todos los ingredientes a una licuadora de alta potencia (yo uso una Thermomix) y licúa hasta tener una mezlca homogénea.

  • Rectifica sal y sabor.

  • Disfruta caliente.

2. Crema de Coliflor.


  • 1 cabeza de coliflor cortada en trozos grandes.

  • 1/2 cebolla cortada en trozos grandes.

  • 1 diente de ajo.

  • 1/3 de taza de nueces de la india (previo remojo).

  • 2 cucharadas de tahini (pasta de ajonjolí).

  • 1 cucharada de perejil picado

  • Sal y pimienta al gusto.


  • En una olla grande trae 4 tazas de agua a hervir.

  • Agrega la colifor, baja el fuego y dejar hervir unos 15 minutos o hasta que este suave.

  • Transfiere a una licuadora de alta potencia, tal y como una Thermomix.

  • Agrega el resto de los ingredientes y licúa en calor alto por unos 5 minutos.

  • Rectifica sal y pimienta.

  • Disfruta caliente

  • Nota: Si no tienes una licuadora con temperatura, sólo cocina por separado el ajo y la cebolla y agrega ya cocidos al momento de licuar.

3. Crema de Calabaza Bellota al Curry.


1 calabaza bellota o "acorn squash" ( puedes usar también butternut squash, en español se le conoce como zapallo o calabanza violín).

  • 1 cucharada de pasta de curry rojo.

  • 1/2 taza de cebolla picada.

  • 1 lata de 8 onzas de leche de coco.

  • 1 cucharadita de cúrcuma.

  • Sal al gusto.


  • Pre-calienta el horno a 425 F.

  • Corta la calabaza por la mitad y remueve semillas (las semillas las puedes tostar al horno como snack aparte o para acompañar la sopa)

  • Coloca las mitades de la calabaza en un payrex boca abajo y hornea por 20 a 25 minutes o hasta que estén doradas.

  • Ya cocidas remueve la pulpa de la calabaza y transfiere a tu thermomix (u otra licuadora).

  • Agrega el resto de los ingredienes y licúa con la temperatura en alto por 5 minutos.

  • Rectifica sabor de sal y textura, agregando agua si es necesario.

  • Nota: Si no tienes una licuadora con temperatura, sólo cocina la cebolla por separado y agrega ya cocida al momento de licuar.

Tangy Broccoli Soup: Servings 4.0 Amount Per Serving calories 99 % Daily Value * Total Fat 4 g 6 % Saturated Fat 1 g 3 % Monounsaturated Fat 2 g Polyunsaturated Fat 1 g Trans Fat 0 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0 % Sodium 875 mg 36 % Potassium 61 mg 2 % Total Carbohydrate 10 g 3 % Dietary Fiber 1 g 4 % Sugars 3 g Protein 6 g 12 % Vitamin A 2 % Vitamin C 2 % Calcium 1 % Iron 9 % * The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs. The values here may not be 100% accurate because the recipes have not been professionally evaluated nor have they been evaluated by the U.S. FDA

Cauliflower soup: Servings 4.0 Amount Per Serving calories 102 % Daily Value * Total Fat 8 g 12 % Saturated Fat 1 g 6 % Monounsaturated Fat 2 g Polyunsaturated Fat 1 g Trans Fat 0 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0 % Sodium 681 mg 28 % Potassium 467 mg 13 % Total Carbohydrate 6 g 2 % Dietary Fiber 2 g 8 % Sugars 1 g Protein 3 g 7 % Vitamin A 2 % Vitamin C 23 % Calcium 4 % Iron 7 % * The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs. The values here may not be 100% accurate because the recipes have not been professionally evaluated nor have they been evaluated by the U.S. FDA.

Curried Acorn Squash Soup: Servings 4.0 Amount Per Serving calories 189 % Daily Value * Total Fat 12 g 19 % Saturated Fat 10 g 50 % Monounsaturated Fat 0 g Polyunsaturated Fat 0 g Trans Fat 0 g Cholesterol 0 mg 0 % Sodium 755 mg 31 % Potassium 804 mg 23 % Total Carbohydrate 19 g 6 % Dietary Fiber 3 g 12 % Sugars 3 g Protein 2 g 3 % Vitamin A 10 % Vitamin C 27 % Calcium 6 % Iron 10 % * The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs. The values here may not be 100% accurate because the recipes have not been professionally evaluated nor have they been evaluated by the U.S. FDA.

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